Bibliography and further reading

Howdy stranger, thanks for going a bit deeper. I am a historian, which means that I can’t write without footnotes. But since the general public seems to be horrified by footnotes I thought it might be a good idea to hide them behind a QR code. Furthermore, since most of the source-material on climate change can be found online, this way, if you are interested in further reading or just in checking my references, you can directly access many of the cited works. You can see the parts of my original text below, in italics and with quotation marks, followed by the reference. And since you are now probably holding the book with your non-dominant hand, I guess this could be a relatively comfortable.


Ecocalypse 1: Why Me?

…in a far more gruesome way.

I am well aware of the ongoing debate on weather current levels of global warming will produce societal collapse. Though highly informative in general terms, I do not think that does not have high impact on this book.   Seen from a humanist perspective, and a part of the purely technical questions, this whole debate seems to be influenced by the degree of hope one needs in order to act meaningfully on a certain matter. Yet our actions can be meaningful only regardless of their outcome. I do feel the need to stress again the fact that I"m not dealing with the question if societal collapse will occur, but with the question of how will it happen if it happens. And, yes, this question is highly speculative but, I believe, also informative about what type of attitude might be helpful in facing global warming.

It is also true that I do have a stoic bias that the right course of action is based on the acceptance of even the worst case scenario and on acting nonetheless. For the use of the stoic bias in contemporary psychotherapy see: 

As for the debate on societal collapse I mostly refer to the debate on David Wallace Wells’, The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming (Tim Duggan Books, 2019). Michael E. Mann, The New Climate Wars: The Fight to Take Back the Planet (Public Affairs, 2021); (last viewed on 21/10/23)

…stopped thinking about death.

Philippe Ariès, Western Attitudes Toward Death from the Middle Ages to the Present (John Hopkins, 1974)

…conveying emotion is the job of art and myth.  (last viewed on 21/10/23)

…when you made your self-portrait, in 1500.

Curiously enough, Jacqes Le Goff also ends his periodization of the Middle Ages in 1500. See Jacqes Le Goff, Medieval Civilization 400 - 1500 (Blackwell, 1991). On Dürer, see Erwin Panofsky, The Life and Art of Albrecht Dürer, Princeton University Press, 1955


Ecocalypse 2: The Meltdown

…the alchemist’s symbol for air 

On Dürer’s relationship with alchemy, see Maurizio Calvesi, La melanconia di Albrecht Dürer, (Einaudi, 1993, in italian).

…died of extreme weather.

Katrin G Burkart (et al.), Estimating the cause-specific relative risks of non-optimal

temperature on daily mortality: a two-part modelling approach applied to the Global Burden of Disease Study, Lancet, 2021; 398: 685–97

…250,000 a year,diarrhoea%20and%20heat%20stress%20alone

…contact with wild species that we’ve never been in contact with before…

David Quammen, Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic (W.W. Norton & Co., 2012)

For all the topics discussed in this chapter, see also Hans-Otto Pörtner (et al.) Climate Change 2022 -  Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Working Group II Contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2022) retrivable on:


Ecocalypse 3: Faith Alone

…bigotry and climate-change denial.

George Marshall, Don't Even Think About It: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Ignore Climate Change (Bloomsbury 2014).

…that made us the dominant species on the planet. 

True, this is somewhat of an overstatement but in the last years, historians (paleo)antrhropologists and archeologists tend to stress ever more the role of values, choice and personal freedom, as opposed to determinism, in the development of human societes. Cfr. Peter J. Richerson and Robert Boyd, Not By Genes Alone. How Culture Transformed Human Evolution, (University of Chicago Press, 2004) Yuval Harari, Sapiens. A Brief History of Humankind, (English edition, Harper-Random House, 2014); David Graeber, and David Wengrow, The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity, (Allen Lane, 2021). See also 

…Greta Thunberg’s Davos speech… 

There are books and scientific papers written on the subject… 

Haydn Washington and John Cook, Climate Change Denial: Heads in the Sand, (Routledge, 2011); George Marshall, Don't Even Think…; 

…in 2016, the Syrian refugee crisis produced “only” some 5 million displaced people… 

…over a billion climate refugees? 

…74% of all deaths were from non-communicable diseases,%2D%20and%20middle%2Dincome%20countries


Ecocalypse 4: The Pandemic

…capital of the anti-vaccination movement. 

…intergenerational justice. 

…single and low-income, although interestingly, the level of education doesn’t seem to play a major role. 

…epidemic of narcissism

Jean Twenge and W. Keith Campbell, The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement, (Simon and Shuster, 2009); Jean Twenge, Generation Me - Revised and Updated: Why Today's Young Americans Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled-and More Miserable Than Ever Before, (Revised ed., Atria, 2014)

…OK Boomer… 

…seemingly had it all…

Paul Collier, The Future of Capitalism: Facing the New Anxieties, (Allen Lane, 2018); See also Boris Johnson’s views on the “Nature’s way of dealing with old people:'Covid%20is%20nature's%20way,Quite%20bonkers%20set%20of%20exchanges.%E2%80%9D 


Ecocalypse 5: The Rat Captain

…they were all drunk.

The reconstruction of these events comes partially from my family history, my mother having been Dušan Pirjevec’s PhD student, which is how I came to know of the “airport version” of the story. For a more serious analysis of the events see Peter Vodopivec, “Profesorjev dosije” [The Professor’s Dossier] in Andrej Koritnik (ed.) AHAC, Knjiga o Dušanu Pirjevcu [AHAC, the Book on Dušan Pirjevec] (Beletrina, 2021) pp.322-353 (in Slovene).


Ecocalypse 6: Rich Man’s Paradise

…individual survival in times of societal collapse is a very dubious benefit.

After reading Graeber and Wengrow’s The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity (Allen Lane, 2021) I do feel that I have to make a distinction here. Seemingly, especially for ancient history, there are (see the authors’ lengthy discussion on the First Intermediate period in Ancient Egypt) times that were seen by later historians as a societal collapse, but that might not be experienced as such by the people actually living in those times. However, at least in Europe, throughout the Middle Ages, the legacy of the Roman Empire remained very much present in political thought, and was often seen almost as a Paradise lost in terms of political unity and acculturation. See  Peter Heather, The Restoration of Rome. Barbarian Popes and Imperial Pretenders, (Oxford University Press, 2013) but also the introduction to  Luciano Canfora,  Julius Caesar. The People’s Dictator, (Laterza, 1999; english translation: Edinburgh University Press, 2007); Walter Pohl (et al., eds.), Transformations of Romanness. Early Medieval Regions and Identities. (Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2018); Julia Hell, The Conquest of Ruins. The Third Reich and the Fall of Rome, (The University of Chicago Press, 2019)

…inherent political instability provided a constant incentive for internal development.

 See Geoffrey Parker, The Military Revolution. Military Innovation and the Rise of the West 1500-1800 (Oxford University Press, 1988, 1999).

…West Berlin was never meant to resist any Soviet invasion attempt.

Fred M. Kaplan,  The Wiyards of Armageddon, (Simon and Schuster, 1983).

…New York City had some 18,000 fallout shelters 

…nationwide economic disaster

Thomas Bishop, “‘The Struggle to Sell Survival’: Family Fallout Shelters and the Limits of Consumer Citizenship”, Modern American History (2019), 2, 117–138. 

…has started gaining a considerable support

Probably the first article on the Doomsday preppers was Evan Osnos’ New Yorker article “Doomsday Prep for the Super-Rich”: 

For a more extensive review of the topic, see Douglas Rushkoff, Survival of the Richest: Escape Fantasies of the Tech Billionaires, (W. W. Norton & Company, 2022). 

And also Beatrice Balducci, “Prepper Architecture”in Officina, 35, (Oct-Dec, 2021),  pp.10-17 (in Italian) also available online: 

…Texas, Wyoming and Montana.

Srecko Horvat, Poetry from the Future: Why a Global Liberation Movement Is Our Civilisation's Last Chance (Allen Lane, 2019); 

…are equipped with armories, weapons and stacks of ammunition. 

See Evan Osnos, above.

…1970s survival manuals wrote, …

Cresson Kearny, Nuclear War Survival Skills, (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1979)

…global cooling is highly unlikely to occur within the next century or so.

and, according to NASA, even more:,timescale%20of%20many%20human%20lives

…Niccolò Machiavelli

Quentin Skinner, Machiavelli: A Very Short Introduction, (Oxford University Press, 1981); Isaiah Berlin, The Originality of Machiavelli 

…hated by the people. 

Available free online at: 


Ecocalypse 7: The Lemming Myth

…Antonio García Martínez…

See Evan Osnos above

… myths are stories we share and, supposedly, all know .

For a review of the theories of myth see Joanna Overing, “The Functions of Myth and a Taxonomy of Myths” in Geoffrey A. Hosking, George Schöpflin (eds.), Myths and Nationhood, (Routlege, 1997) pp.19-35. See also: Jonathan Haidt, The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion, (Pantheon Books, 2012)

… linking it directly to the royal court.

Norbert Elias, The Court Society, (Blackwell, 1983; original German edition: Hermann Luchterhand Verlag, 1969).

…largely for the purposes of military conscription.

In this short presentation of the birth of nationalism I rely mostly on Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities, Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, (Verso, 1983).

…all matters concerning the protection of their wealth.

See Jeffrey A. Winters, Oligarchy, (Cambridge University Press, 2011)


Ecocalypse 8: Eat the Rich

the power of the European nobility rested on its ability to guarantee the safety. 

This was probably the prerogative of all armed rulers. As Graeber and Wengrow argue, we see this type of argumentation both in Ancient Egypt and China. See Graeber and Wengrow above.

…power of today’s élites…

Paul Collier, The Future of Capitalism: Facing the New Anxieties, (Allen Lane, 2018)

…but economic growth and development are not necessarily infinite.

The phrase: “Anyone who believes in indefinite growth in anything physical, on a physically finite planet, is either mad – or an economist.” was originally uttered by JFK’s Environmental advisor Kenneth Boulding, but more recently popularized by sir David Attenborough, see: 

…Stern Review…

top ten natural disasters

London School of Economics


Ecocalypse 9: Mr. Backlash


See Julia Hell (above) pp. 99-107.

…Jehovah’s Witnesses…

Zoe Knox, Jehova’s Witnesses, (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018).


Christopher Clake, The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914, (Penguin books, 2012).

the resurgence of nationalisms

See Branko Milanovic, Four historico-ideological theories about the origin of the current war in Ukraine, Part I:; Part II: 

…Communism’s promise to Eastern Europe…

Walker Connor, The National Question in Marxist-Leninist Theory and Strategy. (Princeton University Press, 1984)

…severe economic crisis.

Dejan Jović, Yugoslavia: A State that Withered Away, (Purdue University Press, 2009).

…much more progressive than the ruling élites.

Probably the best affirmation of this thesis comes from Carl Emil Schorske’s classic work: Fin-de-siècle Vienna: Politics and Culture (Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1979), and such a stance can still be read in the more recent Pieter Judson, The Habsburg Empire: A New History (Harvard University Press, 2016). As for the Yugoslav side, probably the best examples can be found in Radina Vučetić, Coca-Cola Socialism.

Americanization of Yugoslav Culture in the Sixties (Central European University Press, 2018; Serbian edition: Službeni Glasnik, 2012).

…gender gap opened widely…

Sabrina P. Ramet (ed.), Gender Politics in the Western Balkans. Women and Society in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor States. (Penn State Universitz Press, 1999)


Ecocalypse 10: Portrait of the artist as a hanged man

… above extinction levels. 

…the oligarchs.

Elisabeth Schimpfössl, Rich Russians. From oligarchs to bourgeoisie. (Oxford University Press, 2018)

My personal conspiracy theory…

And this theory is largely based on the 2021 World Bank rapport on Russia, where the a EU policy of carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM), a tariff protecting the common market from cheap and carbon-intensive products, is presented mostly as an opportunity for Russia to engage in green transition. However, what remains unsaid is that the shift of economic activities would necessarily undermine power relations Putin depends upon.

…all-out nuclear war

… a sort of personal trauma…,a%20setback%20for%20Russian%20power

…stage of mental illness. 


Ecocalypse 11: One world

Apart from the personal anecdote, this chapter and parts of the following are mostly based on Dave Grossman, On Killing. The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society (Back Bay Books, 1995)


Ecocalypse 12: Tsk

W. Singer, Corporate warriors : the rise of the privatized military industry, (Cornell University Press, 2003); see also: 


Ecocalypse 13: The Consequence of Famine

…Abbas Elwan… 

…“the Game”... 

The Fertile Crescent…

On the early historical developments, see Graeber and Wengrow above

…Easter Island… 


Timothy Snyder, Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin, (Basic Books, 2010).


Ecocalypse 14: The Highlander and his Daughter

…civilized men into brutes.

This reconstruction doesn't take into account the post-colonial critique of Conrad because, largely following Cedric Watts (see below), I believe that the greatness of Heart of Darkness lay precisely in excluding the oppressed from the main line of narration. Offering an exclusively imperial view on the story, Conrad gives us an insight, like very few other works I know of, into the squalor of the oppressor. Conrad never offers an alternative to the imperialist narrative, but his criticism is so all-encompassing, from the imperial center to the furthest colonial outpost, that it can hardly be read as a justification of imperialism or racism.  See Cedric Watts, “Heart of Darkness” in Harold Bloom (ed.) Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. New Edition (Bloom’s Modern Critical Interpretations), (Infobase Publishing, 2008). Gene M. Moore, Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness: A Casebook, (Oxford University Press, 2004). Ironically, the whole structure of Ecocalypse 14 actually follows quite closely the arguments put forward by Hannah Arendt in her The Origins of Totalitarianism, (Schocken Books, 1951). Yet, read today, even if she was a fierce anti-fascist and anti-racist, some of her wording echoes racist attitudes as when, with seemingly no irony at all, she talks about the “lazyness of the savages” in 19th century Africa. 

…the type of man… 

See: Robert Gerwarth, The Vanquished: Why the First World War Failed to End, 1917–1923. (Allen Lane. 2016).

“an existence unmolested by the rumbling of a soul.”

Mark Singer, Trump and Me. (Tim Duggan Books, 2016)


Ecocalypse 15: The Future is Unwritten

…adherence to a model of life.

For a more structured analysis on the role of death in society see: Douglas Davies, A brief history of death, (Blackwell Publishing, 2005)

…philosopher’s death…

Peter Sloterdijk, You Must Change Your Life, (Polity Press, 2013).

…Sir David Attenborough…

See Ecocalypse 8 above